Sunday 10 April 2011


  • The seeds are removed from the petri dishes.
  • A dark yellow-brown aqueous iodine solution is poured over the agar plates. Iodine solution is used to test whether starch hydrolysis has occurred. A colourless 'halo' around the seed halves indicates starch hydrolysis. Where starch is present, the iodine solution will turn from yellow-brown to blue-black.
  • The skimmed milk plates are flooded with biuret reagent and left for 2 minutes.
  • Biuret reagent is used to detect peptide bonds, following hydrolysis of protein molecules. A positive result for proteolytic hydrolysis occurs when the reagent changes from blue to violet. 
  • The results of these treatments show that upon germination, the embryo begins to produce amylase and proteolytic enzymes.
  • The boiled seeds, which act as a control, are unable to synthesise proteins, as they are dead.

Iodine test.
Biuret test.

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